Betekenis van:
past times

past times
Zelfstandig naamwoord
  • verleden
  • the time that has elapsed





  1. In times of crisis one should never idealise the past.
  2. Tom has called me many times this past week.
  3. By demolishing buildings of bygone times, we wipe out every trace of the past forever.
  4. Does not include: Courses related to sports, hobbies and other past-times (6.6).
  5. The IPCC has estimated that the total climate impact of aviation is currently two to four times higher than the effect of its past carbon dioxide emissions alone.
  6. This market situation was potentially very dangerous since already in past years, at times when the level of demand was at normal levels, a similar market situation (which was analysed in Council Regulation (EC) No 954/2006 [6] had caused significant injury to the Community industry.
  7. Given that the yard has regularly fitted out two ships at a time over the past 15 years (with interruptions at times of low demand), the Commission sees no reason to conclude that, before the investment, Rolandwerft had the capacity to fit out only one ship.
  8. In this respect, the Greek authorities have made reference to a redundancy compensation package offered by a large private operator, Intracom, which offered in the past to certain categories of its employees twice the legal redundancy compensation (this coefficient was gradually reduced for higher salaries down to 1,4 times the legal redundancy compensation) within the context of an early redundancy scheme.
  9. Manufacture still involves the same processes as in the past: draining the curd, putting it into moulds, salting by hand, in two stages, using dry coarse salt and turning the cheese over several times, then pricking using long needles, as this airing of the cheese allows penicillium glaucum to develop.
  10. It does so mainly by means of the provisions pertaining to maximum driving times per day, per week and per period of two consecutive weeks, the provision which obliges drivers to take a regular weekly rest period at least once per two consecutive weeks and the provisions which prescribe that under no circumstances should a daily rest period be less than an uninterrupted period of nine hours. Since those provisions guarantee adequate rest, and also taking into account experience with enforcement practices during the past years, a system of compensation for reduced daily rest periods is no longer necessary.